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The format for this 2nd Annual Charity Competition is a Mixed Texas Scramble with two Ladies and two Senior Gents in each fourball. Normal, but relaxed, Texas Scramble rules will apply with each player needing 3 tee shots to their name and this can be on any hole.

We are aiming for at least 12 fourballs with at least 24 Ladies and 24 Senior Gents required. As with the MDSL Matches, this event is bookable and we’d encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.

The Entry Fee of £5 per player will in it’s entirety be donated to the “Christies” charity. The winning fourball will lift the Trophy which will subsequently reside in our Trophy Cabinet as this will be the second annual charity event and the coming together of two very important sections in our golf club.

Aside from the Winner’s Trophy, we’re collecting donations for winner’s and runner’s up individual player’s prizes and also for raffle and auction prizes at the presentation after the competition. We encourage you to be generous and donate whatever you can to make this a fun, exciting and successful day all in a good cause.

Last year we raised an incredible £750 for the Guide Dogs Charity. Let’s top that this year.

Food will be available after the game and we’ll update you on that in due course.

Register for this event today. Remember, you can now also register another player(s) at the same time as yourself.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you all there.

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